Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Husky Floor Mats

I purchased Husky floor mats (see https://teslapdx.blogspot.com/2018/12/rubber-floor-mats.html) for both the front and rear rows. There arrived in a very professionally looking boxes.

The first thing to notice on these mats is the metal attachments which gives the mat a professional look.
I'm not a big fan of the metal attachment as it is riveted onto the mat and the backside of the mat does not sit flush with the floor. Given that the mat sits against the carpet which has some give and the metal is not located in a position where my foot would be applying much pressure, I think it is fine. If it turns out to be a problem, one could file away the rivet bump.

Here is the driver's mat. The two circles on the mat actually contain velcro underneath the mat that adheres to the factory carpet.
The fit is descent. During packaging, the mat is actually folded and you can see the crease. Also notice that the vertical foot rest portion of the mat doesn't quite align well with the vehicle base. I'm hoping that over time, the material relaxes and gravity takes over.

Here is the passenger's mat. Again, the two circles contain velcro on the bottomside to adhere to the factory carpet.
The fit here looks less desirable. The mat does not lay perfectly flush but I'm letting gravity and time to help with this. On the excessive creases on the right side, I don't know if this was due to the product being folded in the packaging or if it was simply badly designed. I will monitor this over time, and I may also contact the manufacturer. I don't know if applying a heat gun to the excessive creases would be a good idea.

Here is the rear mat. The fit looks very good.
The rear mat was folded down the middle in the package. The unfolded mat sits very flush with the vehicle floor. This is probably due to the weight of the rear mat.
Here is the view of the rear mat on the driver's side.
Here is the view of the rear mat on the passenger side.

1 comment:

Strange damage to rear bumper